Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Friday, CJ and I headed up to Crater Lake. I figured that we could take some time off from our respective jobs to go explore. Since, CJ is from Maryland he hasn't experienced the wonders of Oregon yet.

We took a hike, climbed a big ass hill, and at the top, CJ asked me to marry him.


The view.


CJ and I on the way to Crater Lake, at the Rogue River Gorge in Union Creek.


After Crater Lake Friday, we floated the Rogue River Saturday and then headed to the Oregon Shakespeare Festival that night to watch Equivocation. It was pretty fabulous, as all OSF productions are.

A fun-filled weekend was had by all, including the parentals and sismiester. Even the hot tub frogs had a good time! Yeah...my parents hottub has been out of use for awhile and it has apparently turned into froggie playland. The frogs were relocated to the creek and the villagers rejoiced.

Sunday was back to Corvallis and with work looming over all our heads, we made merry with the wine.

Work came and woke me out of my summer vacation dreams and wishes, and I have spent most of the last two days looking through a microscope at microscopic floatsam, with the eventual mussel thrown in for good measure. Ooo, check out those eyespots!

Tomorrow, I am up at 3:20am to make the 4:00am departure. Off to Boiler Bay I go, to check out the high zone and the mid zone. Oh goodie, more mussels! Thursday, we are heading out with a different lab group to help them out, as this minus tide is not so good for what I do. Friday, is our Coastal Transect, which means water samples! I will be heading down to 3 of the more Southern sites. This means a 3 hour drive, first thing in the morning. Hey, I get paid for all 6 hours of that drive time, plus the work we do in between, so I can't complain too much. That will be the day I drink 8 cups of coffee. Hooray for caffeine! I suppose I could just drink some mate, but it doesn't give the same kick that coffee does.

Anywho, enjoy the pics and I am off!


  1. The first pic is so awesome because it totally looks like you're blushing from happiness and surprise!


  2. Really, I was just sweaty from a long, uphill hike. Lol.
